Friday, April 26, 2013

Cops and Doctors and 5k's, Oh My!

Can I tell you how many times I've sat down to write and something else (usually the kids) pulls me away?  For instance, today a water main the the complex broke.  Second one in less than a year!  Yesterday the van broke down on the interstate.  The good news is that it was an easy fix, my fault really.  Yes, there was gas in the car!  Just not enough.  I had put some fuel pump cleaner stuff in when there wasn't a full tank of gas.  Well, I didn't do it.  Walmart did it.  Knowing that I didn't have a full tank of gas.  Thanks Wally World.  Oh well.

 But there's more good news!  My kids have now had the experience of sitting in a cop car!  Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?  Just as I puttered to a stop on the highway, a highway patrol officer pulled up behind us and offered to let us sit with him in his vehicle just off the highway while we waited for my husband.  We had been on the way to the mall but playing with the  windows in the police man's car was a pretty cool second.  Oh, and I got some major mom points too.  The officer was going to do a U-turn so that we could see my husband coming.  He puts the car in gear and my oldest yells out, "Wait!  I don't have my seatbelt on!"  I need all the mom points I can get!

My youngest came down with pneumonia and an ear infection this week as well.  I don't know if you knew this but the newest recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics is to let ear infections work out on their own.  Here's the link: ear infections.  This is what I was doing.  I knew that was probably what was wrong with her but I was trying to wait it out.  That totally backfired I guess.  Not saying the AAP is wrong or anything.  Maybe I missed the pneumonia symptoms.  The good thing is she didn't have to do breathing treatments or anything.  Antibiotics and she's back to her sweet onery self.  I'm now watching my middle monster for any signs.  Each kid is so different though!  Another meaning for watch and pray I guess. 

In other news, not working out is sooooooooo depressing!  I was almost down to my goal weight.  Almost fitting into my goal clothes and almost looking my goal hotness.  And then I ran a 5k.   And it was over.  I was so proud of myself but the moment passed and I found myself on the couch with a bag of peanuts thinking "What now?"  I realized I hadn't thought about after the 5k.  What was going to keep me motivated after that?  My biggest fear was falling during the race or dragging myself across the finish line, neither of which I did but what is going to keep me going?  Another 5k?  A 10K?  My brother suggested a mini-triathlon, which I have to admit I'm really thinking about.  I've got to find something measurable besides my waistline and the scale.  My other issue is, these suckers cost money.  Granted, not much.  Between $30-$40.  For our family, though, that's a chunk of money just to spend on one person's hobby.  Maybe I should just L'Oreal it and sign up for another one.  I have to do something, though.  Everyone tells you how uplifting working out is.  They don't talk about how empty and pathetic and flabby and pasty you feel when you stop.  Well, I mean that's how I feel.  Not about you, about me.  Moving on!  Maybe there's a Mother's Day 5k.  Hmmm.  To Google!

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