Sunday, April 7, 2013

Color Running

I ran the Color Run yesterday!  I had an awesome team and a great time but I know I would have done some things differently.  I'm type A.  It's not a big secret to anyone that knows me but I wish I had slowed down and had more fun along the way.  I think I was so focused on the fact that I was actually doing a 5k, my first one, that I wanted to run the whole thing.  If I had only known that it wasn't even an option!  There were so many people there!  They said that around 10,000 people showed up for the event. 

The run was  supposed to start at 9:00am but with so many people they sent us off in groups.  We kept hearing the mc over the loudspeaker, thinking it was our turn to go.  By the time we counted off about five times, we were just ready to run!  Oh, and my coffee kicked in right as we were ready to go as luck would have it.  Yes, I drink coffee before I run, along with lots of water.  Studies have shown it helps amp up your metabolism.  Of course, I'm not talking about gulping water.  Nothing more fun than throwing it up or listening to it slosh around in your tummy while you run! 

We started off great but there were portions of the run that crossed roadways and I got separated from my running partner when the cops made half our pack stop.  That was odd to me but then, I'm a noob.  Things really slowed down at the color stations.  It was awesome to see people actually rolling in the color!  I thought about it but figured I'd trip someone, get trampled, or choke and have a psychedelic death.  At one point I turned around backwards to find my partner in the mess and fell over a cone, so that was sexy.  The pink station was where we stopped completely.  There were so many people and, unlike the other stations, there was no sidewalk or grass to branch out on, only a small ledge next to a ditch/creek that ran through town.  Some folks risked it but I'd rather live and get painted. 

The celebration at the end was like going to a night club in the middle of the day in the park.  There was dancing and color everywhere!  I wish I had brought my kids but I didn't even know that was an option.  Honestly, after learning how many people were going to be there I was okay with them staying at home.  They were going to cheer me on but my husband hurt his back so they missed out. 

If I hadn't been such a noob I think I would have slowed down but I felt like I had something to prove.  I guess I'll have to sign up for a timed one.  We are taking the family to a super hero fun run that sponsors child abuse awareness and advocacy.  The boys are really excited for their own "race". 

This is such a change for us.  We've slowly but surely started to make changes in our diets and lifestyles.  Cutting out fast food, not completely but almost.  It's just as much of a budget thing as a diet thing.  I had pop for the first time in months the other day and it made me feel so bad I can honestly say I don't miss it.  We used some tax refund money to sign up for a gym membership.  I love to run outside but for my husband it's been really helpful.  Plus, the kids love to go exercise and play basketball with dad.  Living in an apartment, our fitness options have been limited but we're figuring it out.  Our living room is really small and the ceiling is low but I can still do yoga on the days we can't get to the gym.  There is a pond not to far from our house that I walk to with the kids sometimes to feed the geese that hang out there.  We haven't been here in the spring and summer before so I'm sure we'll find a lot more to do as time goes on!

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