Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Beautiful weather, busy weekend!

It seems like I just posted a couple of days ago.  I guess I've been a little busy.  We've been getting outside as much as we can lately because it seems like the weather just won't stay nice.  The're talking about a chance of snow again!

Anywho, I've managed to get off the couch but I've also managed to get myself in a pickle.  I signed up for a 5k this weekend.  Trouble is, I only ran once last weekend and my hubby bought me a huge bucket of ice cream!  It was on sale or something but the problem is, I love ice cream.  Love.  Like I make a date with it after the kids go to bed.  It's not good for me to have it in the house.  So here I am, trying to run except now my tummy bounces along to the beat of my feet flapping on the pavement.  It feels like all the progress I made has disappeared with each spoonful.  Guh.  What's a girl to do? 

Run!  Run like a bat outta hell!  Do yoga, and weights.  Anything I can get my hands on, really.  We haven't gone to the gym because the kids have been sick.  Well, my hubby has but I have been using the kids as an excuse.  And the worst part?  This is my first timed 5k.  The other one was for fun and I hope this one won't kill me but right on the page they described it as a "challenging course".  It's for a good cause.  I will not die.  I will finish.  I'm adding things to repeat in my head as I get to the 2.5 mark.  I ran this morning but I was way too tired to do well.  I didn't even do all 3.1 miles.  There is still time.  I will make it.  And I get a free t-shirt! 

In other news, the kids and I are working on upcycling crafts.  Don't really have much of a template but we made a hanging bird bath from a water bottle.  I'm not so sure it worked.  Water bottles are being made with less plastic which is great but they are much less sturdy than they used to be as  a result.  My oldest found it in the yard and said we should use it.  We are also looking to make a soup can wind chime.  I remember seeing this one on Pinterest.  Ours may look more like a Pinterest fail but as long as the kids have fun, right?  We're gonna collect them and paint them and hang them up one way or the other.  I'll have to get a pic of the finished product.  My girl loves wind chimes!  No matter where we are, if she sees one, we have to stop and play with it. 

Not much excitement at the moment.  I'll keep you posted on how I do at the 5k and get some pics up on our projects.  Oh, and I'm going to do another 11:11 installment next time I think.  Till next time!  

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