Friday, April 19, 2013

And Now a Post About Food and Fitness

I try to work out.  Well, I try to try to work out.  I go on Pintrest.   I look at all the healthy foods and workout plans.  And then I go look through the desserts.  It's kind of a constant battle.  I know I'm addicted to sugar and chocolate is part of my personality profile.  And then there's coffee.  Glorious coffee!  I get sad when my cup is empty. 

So many blogs I've read have fifty ways to repurpose something or recipes for freezer meals for the whole month.   This is not me.  Well, I could probably think of something like "Fifty Ways to Wrestle Your Three-Year-Old Into Bed" or "Top Twenty Ways to Get Out of Sex Because You've Wrestled With Your Three-Year-Old Fifty Different Ways and You're Just Exhausted". 

I have to be honest.  This is no news flash to those that know me.  I am no Suzy Homemaker.  My sister can move into a house and decorate it at the drop of a hat.  I've lived here nine months and I have a calendar and a Glade candle I just bought last week.  Oh, and a clock!  It matches!  The white walls that we aren't allowed to paint. 

I'm not good with recipes.  I didn't learn to cook when I was young.  Now I love food but I'm more of a dump-everything-in-a-pot-and-hope-it-works kind of cook.  That hot chocolate recipe?  Totally Paula Deen'ed it.  I don't know if anyone has noticed, but if you use her recipes they are anything but exact.  She probably has someone on the side watching her every move but if you ask her how much sugar she put in, she'd say "Till it tastes good, y'all!"  And that's fine!  I love making food one big experiment.  Failure isn't so much fun but I grew up in a family where if mom messed up dinner, you ate it anyway.  There was no delivery pizza back-up plan. 

It can get really interesting when I get the kids in on it.  We've put peanut butter in chili before.  After that, my 3yo wanted peanut butter in everything.  It was not that good but he was so proud that he got to think up an ingredient and contribute to the final product that we've done a lot of experimenting since then.  Our cookies are stuffed with stuff.  Only having chocolate chips in a cookie is kind of a waste of a cookie in my book. 

Notice how I've gone from working out to food?  Story of my life!  This is me.  I am falling in love with running and I actually have muscles in my arms but I'm always gonna be a foodie.  I'm just trying to make healthier choices as I get older.  Plus the kids are watching.  One thing we've started doing to cut down on the sweets is we give away at least half of whatever sweet stuff we bake.  I love baking and it teaches the kids to be givers in a small way. 

I've got to go work out now.  Do about 9 1/2 pushups and call it a day.  Some jumping jacks if I feel really motivated.  I'm woking on "finding the balance".  It's different for everyone or I'd ask to borrow yours!

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