Monday, August 5, 2013

We Interrupt Your Normal Life To Bring You...A Dog

This past week was a blur for us.  What was supposed to be a one night deal may have turned into a life changing event.  We currently have a dog living with us.  He's a stray and he's a beautiful sweet husky.  My brother-in-law found him coming out of the woods near our apartments and I offered to let the dog stay with us for the night instead of by himself in an empty apartment.  He was supposed to go live with my mom and dad while we tracked down the owners. 

That was a week ago.  I've searched every online lost and found board I can think of and nothing has happened.  With every lead I chase, I hold my breath and hope it doesn't pan out.  But I keep looking because anyone with a dog this sweet would surely want him back, right?  Maybe they know something about him we don't.  Maybe they're bad people.  I don't know.  All I know is I haven't been this sleep deprived and happy since our last baby was born.  I'm holding back my heart though because if his owners show up and I have to surrender him, I'll cry for days.  That statement right there lets me know there's not much of my heart left to hold back. 

We have called him Max.  My husband says it's short for "Maximus Prime."  I'm sticking with Max from "Where the Wild Things Are."  I don't know if this is a good idea.  I don't know how long he will be with us or how long we can handle it.  I know we're blessed though.  I know that as tired as I am, he has woken me up. 

I've been making a list since my last blog of all the blessings we've received.  From free clothes to free dog treats, the grill, the house cleaning, the babysitting, the dogsitting, the list goes on and on.  I know there is no way I can equal what has been given to us but that's not the point anyway. 

Even in the midst of all these blessings bad things have happened.  Thankfully things turned out okay.  Coen has been to the ER two Mondays in a row.  He's still alive.  He cut his knee but didn't need stitches and he swallowed a magnet but it's smaller than the quarter he swallowed so everything should come out just fine :)  Now I'm just waiting for the dog to eat something. 

My running has suffered.  Even though I have new shoes.  Yay!  Running with a dog is an exercise in staying upright.  I have fallen once.  Not fun but I have always been afraid that I would fall while I was running.  I'm kind of clumsy.  Well, I finally fell so I can cross that off my list of things to be afraid of.  If my goal is a half marathon I have a long way to go. 

The kids love him.  Coen is an animal person.  Max brings out the calm in him.  Aria is fascinated by the way his ears move and Tobin is thrilled to finally have a dog of his own.  We're working on getting shots and a crate this week.  Our normal may have forever changed. 

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