Friday, July 26, 2013

Cheesy Sweet Heat Cornbread

So recently I have started going through my Pinterest pins and trying to actually make some of the hundreds of recipes I have pinned.  What a concept, huh?  I planned recently to make skillet focaccia but as soon as I lifted out my grandma's cast iron skillet I had to make cornbread instead. 

I love making cornbread.  I love it because making it and sneaking fingerfuls of batter that drip off the spoon is almost more fun than eating it after it's done.  I could seriously go on a batter bender, I'm one of those people.  I remember begging my mom to let me make the cornbread just so I could get at that sweet stuff.  Oh yeah, we make sweet cornbread.  Really, you could have it with your dinner or have it for dessert.  Or both, like me!  I was never much for the kitchen growing up.  I'd rather be in a tree.  So the fact that I would come running to help with cornbread sticks out in my mind. 

I asked my mom where she got the recipe.  I was expecting, "Joy of Cooking," or "Taste of Home," maybe even "Southern Living."  I laughed when I heard, "Missouri Conservation cookbook."  Of all the places to find some ridiculously good food!  Just goes to show, I guess.  Maybe I should start clipping out recipes from the paper like grandma.  Never know what you will find.  But then, I have Pinterest. 

Also, I can't leave well enough alone so I added a few things.  Cheese, onions, and smoked chipotle chili powder, my new love.  You're welcome.  

Alright, enough talk.  Let's cook!

Preheat your oven to 425.  Depending on how fast you can mix stuff at some point you will need to add a tablespoon or two of oil to the cast iron skillet and let it heat up in the oven before you pour the batter in.  Get the oil hot but don't let it smoke, 5 minutes is a safe bet. 
Then combine in a bowl
1 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
1/2 cup white sugar (I actually did less than this and I couldn't even tell!)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp smoked chipotle powder (or more if you love heat.  My kids at this bread too)
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or whatever cheese tickles your fancy)
This is where it gets tricky and you have to make sure you read the whole recipe!  In a two cup or larger liquid measuring cup, add 1/2 cup oil.  Add 2 eggs.  Then fill to the 2 cup line with milk.  Mix this all together and add it to the dry ingredients. 
At this point you will also want to add 1/2 of a grated onion.  I'd say it was probably 1/4-1/2 a cup.  I grated it on the cheese grater so that it would "melt" into the cornbread.  Otherwise it would have been a turnoff for the hubs.  It amps up the moistness and the house smelled great while this was cooking! 
Throw all this in the skillet that you've taken out of the oven (unless you forgot about it and had to go fan the smoke alarm, been there!).  Bake for 15 minutes or until the sides begin to brown and crisp and a toothpick comes out mostly clean when you stick it in the middle.  Remember, it will continue to cook a little after you take it out of the oven. 
When it's cool enough to touch but still hot enough to give you a pizza burn, cut that sucker up, put some butter on it, throw it in a bowl of chili, whatever!  Eat it!  And that's what I call Cheesy Sweet Heat Cornbread.  Thanks mom! 

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