Monday, July 15, 2013

This I Know

Whenever thoughts swirl in my head uncontrollably, whenever they're about to consume me, whether it's doubt, fear, anger, I have to pin them down with what I know to be true. 

I know God is able. 
I know God has enough grace for me. 
If the choices I make lead me down a wrong path, I know God is patient and can lead me--albeit the long way--home. 
I know that no matter how screwed up and hard-hearted life has made me, God can still soften me.  He still has a plan and a purpose. 
He can use me in spite of all that, but more awesomely, because of all that.

I like to make lists and sometimes I have to make lists like this.  To remind myself of what matters and what is true. 

There have been many distractions this past week.  Much anxiety and depression and not a lot of running so my head has been quite stuffy with runaway thoughts.  My runs have become prayer runs.  I've gotten past the point of needing to mentally coach myself to the next light post so I have to keep my mind occupied or else I'll quit before my legs and lungs are tired.  Which is a great problem to have, might I add.  So I have prayer runs now.  I pick five or so things or people to pray about and go out and get 'er done.  If it's possible, it makes running more peaceful.  It's not like I can sing and run at the same time anyway!   And even though it's "me time", I still get to spend it on other people at the same time.  Multitasking, yeah baby!

Stick to what is true.  Leave the doctrine and the opinions and the anger behind and read the red letters. 

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