Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sleep Blogging

Sorry I haven't written in so long.  It's not that my fingers haven't been itchy, just that I'm in Nebraska!  Visiting family for the holiday weekend and such.  I'm exhausted.  I've averaged about six hours of sleep and for me that's just not enough.  I'm not even sure I'll remember I blogged.  I tried to go running yesterday and it was so sad.  I wanted to run in a new place but the wind and lack of sleep won out and I only got 1.5 miles done.  But now I can say I ran in Nebraska!  And on vacation no less.  I've actually missed blogging an awful lot but it's been great to spend time with everyone.  My newest niece is perfectly squishy!  And the playground here is unlike anything I've ever seen!  It's amazing! 
It's like a ropes course for kids!  And this is only one of them.  It's an elementary school so it has three different playgrounds including a wheelchair accessible that has an activity for learning braille!  Oh the problem solving possibilities!  Honestly, I'd love to get into playground design but I don't even know if I could dream up something like this.  Coen was convinced he was Spiderman, and he might as well be.  We found mulberries to eat and caught lightning bugs and watched fireworks.  All in less than 60% humidity! 
But in my heart what I really want to say is thank you.  Thank you for taking the time out to read this.  Thank you because if you are reading this, I'm pretty sure you've touched my life in a way I can never repay.  Sometimes that bothers me because I get caught up in a horrible game of "Even Stevens", but I know it's just a lie trying to distract me from the truth.  The truth is that I have to let the seeds other people have planted in my life grow in gratitude into fruit for others.  I can't just stop at "thank you".  I have to turn the soil and make those gifts to me gifts for someone else.  And they only grow in gratitude.  We are up here in Nebraska because of my in-laws generosity.  We made it up here on my parent's generosity.  And it has been great to see family but I've got some giving to do.  And not to win the "Even Stevens" game but because it would be a shame for these gifts to go unused.  To let them get burned up in the garbage heap instead of using them to grow a new crop of gifts.  
Sorry about all the farming metaphors.  It's Nebraska people!  There is a field of corn in between the houses in town.  I was running and I saw house, corn, house, corn.  Odd.  Oh and Omaha is huge.  I've only seen it from a distance and I kinda want to stay at a distance cuz I don't know if I'll find my way out! 
I hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th and maybe next time I write I'll be fully awake!

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