Thursday, August 22, 2013

My neck, my back...

Writing from my phone in bed because sitting in a chair is too painful right now. It's been a long day and I wish I could say I handled it like a trooper but I probably yelled at the kids more than I should have. We ended up having pancakes for supper, which everyone loved, thankfully.

My amazing husband biked home from work today. Halfway anyway. He forgot his water bottle!  It was amazing to be able to track his progress with a little iPhone tracker app I found. The kids were excited to look for daddy on the map, a little green moving dot!  We all got in on the action when he called for us to pick him up and we had to "hunt" for him and rescue him. 

Not quite sure what's causing my back issues. Maybe my lack of real running. I haven't been on much of a schedule ever since I hurt my back the first time and the dog got fixed. He can't run so I don't usually get out in the mornings to run without him. I can't feel like this though. I told Christian I feel like an elephant with old teeth whose days are numbered.  Okay so I'm a little dramatic but really. I'm done feeling so slow and helpless and miserable. I'm going to go to bed and hope some prayer and rest will help my outlook. Oh and today of all days I decided to skip coffee. That's probably my problem. My whole body is in rebellion until I give it what it wants. Lol!  If only coffee were a miracle cure. And chocolate. I'd live to 100 at least!  

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