Thursday, June 20, 2013

Let Them Eat Bread!

I think summertime should be bath-free.  It seems like they should have more baths because they get so dirty but the fact that they're just going to turn around and find more dirt, sunscreen, and popsicles kind of makes bath time just a waste of water.  I'm going to see if soap is allowed in the pool.  That way we could have our fun and get an occasional bath in at the same time.  At our old house I just got out the bubble bath and gave them a shower in the sprinklers!  Oh well, they have fun either way I suppose.  Aria is getting a little too brave.  She wants to take off her floaty ring thing and just walk down the steps into the water.  She actually threw a fit when I tried to hold her hand! 

We had a great day.  Most of the time we spent it outside doing art on the patio and swimming but during naptime I had my own project.  Break making!  We ran out, what was I supposed to do?  I thought about finding a discount store and I know I will eventually.  Then I thought about how I promised to take them swimming and the gas it would cost to go get bread and knowing I would buy much more than bread because I just know they'll have little chocolate gem donuts that I can't resist.  So I made bread.  I used this recipe here.  Of course I found it on Pinterest.  I'd re-post it here but I don't want to get sued for copyright infringement and since I'm new to this whole blogging thing I think I'll play it safe.   

Her picture is much cuter than mine. 

The one on the right is a little mangled because when I split them up for the loaf pans I did it totally wonky and uneven!  This was such an easy recipe and I actually had everything in the house already.  Even the vital wheat gluten.  It's not that expensive to buy if you don't have it though.  The recipe also calls for a stand mixer.  I don't have one and the bread still came out great.  I was a little surprised that I was supposed to dump everything in at the same time but as long as you stir it well enough and let the butter soften long enough it works.  I did use butter in mine instead of bacon drippings.  That just seems wrong in bread and we don't use much bacon around here anyway.  I think the only other tweak I would make is to maybe not add so much honey if you're going to make sandwich bread out of it.  It is wonderfully sweet if you were to convert this to a dinner roll recipe, which seems very possible, but I don't know how it will taste with a turkey sandwich.  We shall see.  Oh and an awesome tip I discovered while making pizza last week:  whenever you have a recipe that calls for the dough to rise and you don't want to turn on your oven, use the heated dry/plate warmer setting on your dishwasher!  Of course, that is if you have one and have the luck of having it empty. 

Also, if you don't have loaf pans this recipe will work without them, just without the uniform (sort of) shape.  Oh and if you are doing the gluten free thing and this is of absolutely no help to you, you should still bake this bread for a neighbor (as long as you have very strong willpower).  This made my house smell amazing while it was baking!  I had to practically drag the kids to the pool because I couldn't stand the smell of them and just wanted to rip off a hunk and eat it right then and there! 

I didn't wake up today planning on making bread but after eating pb&j for lunch we were out!  I also didn't plan on getting an upper body workout, but not having a stand mixer is great if you're trying to tone your arms.  I have so much more to write about but it's a completely different subject and this post would get ridiculously long.  If you're scared of making bread, this is a great recipe for us beginners.  Have fun!

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