Friday, June 14, 2013

I Need New Running Shoes and a New Attitude!

I'm finally going to suck it up and go running tomorrow.  I haven't done well.  I need to sign up for another race.  They are my biggest motivation.  The other problem I'm having is deciding what distance to train for.  A 5k is much easier than it used to be but I don't know if I want to try to get faster at that distance or try for a longer one.  It would feel awesome to say I ran a half-marathon but I get so bored!  I know it's mind over matter at this point and when my mind starts wondering it's usually to my to-do list.  When I'm on the road it calls to me.  What if my husband needs help with the kids?  What if he's having trouble finding socks for work?  There are dishes to do and laundry.  I have to get back before sundown, before he leaves so I can shower.  I have to, I have to, I have to...

The list.  The infernal list.  I constantly forget to put myself on the list.  Too often showering is on the wish-list and not the must-do list!  Sleeping is on the wish-list, too.  This whole waking up early to go running is new to me.  I'm more of a morning person but 6am?  I'll be zonked out by noon.  Since I started running in December, getting used to morning running is gonna take some time.  Maybe that should be my goal.  Forget about the faster 5k or half marathon, I'll just work on getting out of bed in the morning!  I've got to get it figured out soon because I'm starting to go crazy without it.  This running thing is addictive.  A much better anti-depressant than food although I would never admit that to chocolate.

In other news, I made broccamole.  I personally would give it another name like broccoli dip because as soon as I heard "broccamole", I immediately knew it wouldn't be as good as guac.  Nothing.  Could ever.  Be.  As good.  As guacamole.  It was decent in it's own right. You can find the recipe here.  The recipe says to serve it warm but that was just gross.  Not to mention it looks like poo so you have to get past that.  With the broccoli smell it kind of smells like poo.  But throw in a hefty supply of cilantro and that saves it.  If you like cilantro.  If you think cilantro tastes like grass, skip this recipe altogether.  I ate it.  My daughter ate it.  My three year old tried it and spit it out and my four year old wouldn't even touch it.  My husband just laughed and said something about sacrilege.  I ate it because I'm not one to waste food and with the cream cheese and cilantro in it, it was at least bearable.  Know it was healthy for me helped too.  It's a good bet that I won't make it again.  Not a fail but not a popular recipe in my family. 

I should be in bed.  This run is going to be a disaster.  That's the spirit, Mel!  I will be cheerier in the morning, I hope. 


  1. I ended up running five miles in 56 minutes! Personal best! And thankfully it was before the downpour came.
