Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Glitter in My Coffee Part Deux

This week has been speckled with projects and experiments.  The kids have been so busy with art lately that we've just about run out of paint.  I've seen many paint recipes on Pinterest and decided to try out a couple.  They are basically the same with one varied ingredient.  One cup flour, one cup water, food coloring, and either a cup of salt or a cup of dish soap.  Not knowing which one I would like better, I decided to make both.  To make the basic six colors, it's good I made two batches so if you only pick one recipe, double it!  I used dollar squirt bottles from the kitchen section in Wally World and had most of the ingredients on hand.  A tip:  use the tearless kid's shampoo for the soap recipe! 

The colors on the left are salt paint and the ones on the right are soap paint.  I had to add water to the salt paint.  As a result, the kids painted with it more because it flowed easier.  Didn't mess with the soap paint just to see what would happen.  When it was dry, the soap paint actually cracked so I think I'll add water next time.  I liked the salt paint because it actually shimmered like some rocks we have on our patio, which my oldest pointed out so that was cool! 

We also ended up making play dough.  Any old recipe off the web will work.  Here is the one I used: play dough recipe.  If you don't have cream of tartar, alum works just as well.  Same measurement and everything!  Once again, it was a pretty small batch so I'd double it or triple it depending on how much material you want to give your kiddos to work with.  We added almond extract and it gave it a great calming effect!  I also but just a little bit more oil in at the end as I was kneading it.  I did this the last time we made playdough and it did dry out for a long, long time!  It also didn't give my hands that dry, salty feeling I usually get after playing with play dough which is awesome for a texture person like me! 

It's night time now and I wish I had a picture of the wind chime we made!  It was much simpler than the one I found on Pinterest.  I'll have to get pics for you.  It doesn't look anything like the cute thing on Pinterest but it's not a fail!  The kids had so much fun painting the cans and helping me hang it up!  I'll talk more about it another time when I can get a picture. 

My kids are growing.  My 18-mo is starting to throw fits and my four-yo is reminding me to put quarters in the bad word jar.  It doesn't help that he thinks all my substitute words are bad words too.  If our washer or dryer breaks, we could do coin laundry for a month!  And for all intents and purposes my 3-yo is finally potty trained!  One more to go!  We run out of pull-ups this week and hopefully won't have to buy any more.  I don't think it's possible to be a mom and not worry but I'm going to try to worry less.  Hopefully I can lengthen my lifespan! 

In closing I will leave you with one of my 11:11 verses.  This one comes from I Chronicles and is indeed random!
"This is the list of David's mighty men:  Jashobeam, a Hacmonite, was chief of the officers; he raised his spear against three hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter." 
It's the beginning of a list of David's fighting men and all the amazing deeds they did but pretty much talks about how many people they killed, enemies they slayed.  Now, I'm not much for bloodshed.  I still haven't watched all of "Braveheart" because of how many times I have to cover my eyes and I own the DVD and the soundtrack!  There's no way I can watch Game of Thrones either, even though I've read the books.  I'll say this, though; most of my "enemies" aren't people.  Even if they were, it's not like I can pack a longsword in the minivan on our next outing and teach them a lesson.  No, if I really wanted to try to be like one of David's mighty men, I could show my bravery through service, even though it may never be noticed or through prayer that the person I'm praying for may never know about.  How many unkind words or thoughts or actions could I slay by my kind words, thoughts, actions?  And if I'm not slaying negativity, does that mean I'm producing it, letting it thrive by my indifference?  Guh.   

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