Monday, July 8, 2013

Stay Salty, My Friends

I don't want to be Lot's wife.  I don't want to be so focused on the wrong things that my heart turns to salt because if my heart goes, the rest of my body might as well.  I've been troubled and struggling lately, trying to figure out my role as a Christian in my personal life and at church.  I think it's a classic case of trying to see too far ahead.  I like to know the plan, know how things play out.  Often times I just want God to show me the map but I know if I took a look at it, I'd still get myself turned around and going in the wrong direction.  His voice would keep saying "rerouting", or "make a U-turn here" and knowing me I probably wouldn't listen.  "I got it, I got it" but we both know it's just a matter of time till I have to give up and hand the mess I've made over to him again. 

What if I'm already stone and don't even know it?  I don't know how this story will play out.  I mean is it a Job story where God restores even more or is it a Saul story where Saul goes crazy and eats grass and tries to kill David?  What if the walls of my heart are rising and calcifying and I don't even know it?  What if the walls of the church are rising too?  Will I notice?  Or will I just be a frog in a pot of water minding my own business until I'm someone else's meal? 

Hence paragraph one.  As long as I'm focusing on the what if's in life I can't go forward.  I can't focus on the next thing God has for me.  Blurg.  And while we're focusing, let's zoom in on all the I's and me's in this blog.  Enough.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."

So here's the deal, even if I do focus on the wrong things and turn into a pillar of salt God can still use me.  I still get to be the salt of the earth.  Ha!  I know I might be reaching a little bit but I'm just saying God can handle a wrong turn.   Or two or three so I need to stop freaking out and get on with life.  And if Jesus is living water and I'm salt...working out...electrolytes...balance.  There's something there I just know it!    

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