Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Well, nothing has settled down much, but everyone has their own personal circus.  We have another birthday coming this Sunday.  Aria will officially be terribly two.  We're currently trying to get over a bout of hand, foot, and mouth disease.  Coen has it the worst I have ever seen!  He has so many huge blisters that he's developed an infection.  Nice, I know.  You want a picture?  I'll spare you.  The thing is, I looked online to try and see what I could find out for myself knowing full well I would probably believe he was dying.  It didn't look like anything he hadn't already been vaccinated for before so, after checking with my LPN sister, we took him in. 

In other news, is there anything as a parent or teacher that you don't worry about?  If they are writing, I'm worried about their art.  If they do science, I worry they haven't built a block tower lately.  And as soon as they sit in front of the tv or play video games, I'm worried that their brains are shrinking by the second.  Oh, and then there's the great outdoors.  Every minute spent inside means they aren't making vitamin D and they'll be deficient.  Not to mention outside is awesome.  You know, if we didn't have this dog, I think we'd be outside a lot less.  I think I have too many of those days where I just don't want to go outside.  Which is silly, seeing as how I know that once I'm outside, my funky fog will lift and life will be awesome again.  That's how it is for me anyway.  I'm a professional worrier.  And eater.  And yes, I know they're related. 

I've cut down on coffee.  I haven't had any for the past two days.  I had some chai tea yesterday because I had to have something.  There's just something about actually making it to the point where I've brewed coffee and things are calm enough for me to pour myself a cup that makes me feel normal.  Like showering.  As long as I get a shower and my coffee, we won't go under.  My problem has been that when I make a pot of coffee, I usually end up drinking the whole thing.  Not good for my nerves, not good.  Especially since I'm high strung anyway!  So we'll see what I can do about moderation.  It's not really my strong suit. 

I've also started running again.  I've been struggling in that area too.  So many 5k's have come and gone that I just can't spend the money on.  And the one where I could have volunteered, we had a birthday shindig!  It's discouraging.  But I suppose if I really want to run, it shouldn't matter if it's in a race or not.  It would be nice to be able to run for a good cause and someday I will.  Maybe I'll have a bunch of racing shirts too!  Until then, I'll just burn away the miles.  I didn't buy these running shoes for nothing!

Well, that about sums it up.  Not much fluctuation in the level of crazy around here, just a different version depending on the day.  Perhaps that's why I haven't written much. 

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