Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Writer's Block

Well it's been a minute since I've written and it's not for lack of trying.  I made many attempts to post something about Mother's Day but every time I wrote something down I ended up backspacing over all of it.  It was because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  I want to praise my mom for being an awesome role model that I can go to with questions about my kids but I don't want to forget the ones who have lost mothers or came up in a difficult situation.  I want to thank God that my children are finally here!  I've only been a mother for four years and yet it's a lifetime away from my childless years.  But I don't want to forget the women who stuggle to have children or the ones who haven't embarked on that adventure yet.  I spent many single, childless years watching everyone else get a rose on Mother's Day.  I even went to a church where I was the only one who didn't get a flower.  The only woman in the church that didn't have kids.  That hurt!  My pain is nothing in comparison to other women, though.  I know that.  It's all so personal.  This journey we are on.  Whether we have children in our own home to call ours or we spend our energy loving children that will go home with someone else at the end of the day.  Kids are such a gift and I guess however God uses them to change our lives is sometimes up to him.  I'm thankful for every part of my journey.  Of course I can say that now!  I hope you are blessed enough to be able to see the blessing of where you are right now.  Happy belated Mother's Day!

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